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August 3rd, 2011 Volume 1, Issue 7 | |
There’s always so much to share and I hardly know where to begin. My youngest son Kevin left town on Saturday with his dad, my husband, Scott. They’re in Cape Cod now, visiting Scott’s sister and husband at their home a half mile from the beach. Lucky them! They’ll be leaving there on Friday and heading to Cooperstown, NY where the baseball hall of fame is. Kevin is passionate about baseball. To say he eat, lives, and breathes baseball would be an understatement. His championship team is participating in a tournament with 99 other teams from all over the country. The boys are SOOOO excited. I miss them already, and I am very happy they get to live their passion. I get to stay home and live my passion and have some quality time with my oldest son, Eric. I’ll be heading out to California with Eric next week for a college tour and a friend’s wedding. Eat, Live, and Breathe Your Passion
We had an awesome class on Sunday. Despite technical difficulties with the broadcast, we managed to hold a class that got rave reviews from all the participants. I loved the Caribbean Mung Beans and the Curried Cauliflower. The real kicker was Karen’s surprise, a recipe I asked her to make up on the fly with whatever ingredients she found in my refrigerator. I posted more, including a free recipe for Pineapple Chipolte Salad, on the blog… Enjoy the feature article about making friends with hunger. It was inspired by my participation in The Raw Divas 10-day juice cleanse. If you aren’t joining the cleanse because you thoguht it would be too hard or too long or the timing wasn’t going to be right, I have good news for you. I will be offering a 5-week transformational program in September that includes a cleanse in the middle. You will be able to personalize this cleanse by choosing both the type and length of cleanse that will work best for you. We’ll be sharing more about the program over the next few weeks. Be sure to join me for this Thursday’s radio show, Quick Lunch Ideas to Keep Your Blood Sugar Steady, Your Belly Flat, and Your Brain Clear and Sharp, and learn some simple strategies for putting together a lunch that leaves you with a nutritious, uplifting buzz rather than a draining nap attack. See below for details. Have an awesome week! Much love and appreciation, Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo
Making Friends with Hunger: I am really hungry as I write this. I’m participating in The Raw Divas juice cleanse for the next 10 days and I am on day 2 now. While I love the feeling of lightness and the flatter belly that has resulted from just one day on all juice, I do need to get used to the hunger. I’m participating in the program as both a juice cleanser and a juice mentor. I contributed 9 recipes to the menu planner, shared lots of expert advice on how the cleanse should be put together, and I have been interviewed and available for questions and answers about juicing on two calls so far. On Monday evening’s call, Tera Warner and I discussed how important it is to make friends with hunger. Being on a juice cleanse really brings hunger to the foreground and knowing how to handle hunger in this context provides excellent preparation for making good choices in the face of hunger during your everyday life. What is Real Hunger?Hunger is, after all, just a sensation – a biological urge that needs to get satisfied in the proper time and place. We don’t always get to satisfy our biological urge to eliminate or have sex just as soon as they make themselves known, do we? Instead, we live with the sensation until the proper time and place is available to us. It’s quite a laughing matter to imagine what the world would be like if we didn’t exercise restraint in the face of the urge to eliminate or procreate, isn’t it? Learning to feel hunger and defer acting on it until the time and place are ideal, meaning that health promoting food is available, is a very valuable skill to learn. All too often I hear from people I’m coaching that they were doing great on their healthier diet until…
These are just a few of the excuses you may have when you find it hard to make choices that promote your health rather than deplete it. I’m sure you can think of many more!!! Why is it Important to Address Hunger?Despite how you may feel at first, hunger is not an obstacle on your path to wellness. If you want to reduce your midline, clarify and focus your thoughts, and keep your blood sugar humming along at the optimal level, you just need the right strategies for overcoming the barriers. Your solutions depend on a number of factors including:
I’ll share some of the latest research on blood sugar, belly fat and brain fog in an f’ree webinar on August 18, 2011. Details will be available and registration will open at the end of the week, so stay tuned. On the webinar, I’ll share a few of my top strategies for making friends with hunger and keeping your blood sugar nice and steady so you can decrease your risk for developing diabetes and heart disease, the most serious side effects of blood sugar imbalances. I just made myself another juice and my tummy feels satisfied and my brain feels recharged. While it’s not so easy to do, juice cleansing is worth the effort. I’ve already dropped 3 pounds and it’s only the second day. The only thing that will deter me from completion is feeling like I’ve dropped too much weight or feeling that I am too weak to continue my daily tasks. Neither are likely to happen, as long as I continue to drink enough. How to Become Friends with Hunger and Start Nourishing Your Body:I can deal with the hunger. It’s just another sensation. While juicing, I KNOW my body is getting all the nutrition it needs, so I can learn to deter the desire to eat and chew until the cleanse is over in 8 days. If you’re afraid of hunger, here’s a 3-step strategy you can do to help you make friends with hunger:
You’ll notice the best results if, rather than being afraid of hunger, you shift your attitude and thank your hunger for its reminder to replenish your nutrient stores. This exercise will help you to make friends with your hunger so it doesn’t control you. You’ll be surprised at how much happier you feel when hunger is your friend.
Reinforce Your Recharge:August 27th, 2011 Dr. Ritamarie’s Monthly Potluck
Sneak Peak at Upcoming Classes and Events:
Upcoming Shows:
August 4th, 2011 – Quick Lunch Ideas to Keep Your Blood Sugar Steady, Your Belly Flat, and Your Brain Clear and Sharp
At the end of this episode, you will fast be on your way to the lean, strong and energetic body that you desire and deserve! 11:30am PT, 12:30pm MT, 1:30pm CT, 2:30pm ET Click HERE to attend! Radio Shows Archive:Release Your Stress, Renew Your Zest Face it. Stress happens. You can’t necessarily control the external circumstances. You can control your response to them. For more than 35 years, Barbara Lovejoy has been helping people find and follow their unique, authentic path to true joy, well-being and full potential living. She works as a Certified Life Coach, Spiritual Counselor, and Qigong Teacher in person and also by telephone nationwide. Join Dr. Ritamarie and Barbara and get some tips on how to de-stress and get back your zest! Juicing as an Antidote to Fatigue Tired of feeling tired? Toxic build-up in your body can create a myriad of problems, the least of all is fatigue. What would life be like if you had the energy to go full blast all day and not get tired? Imagine being able to work all day, have time to play with the kids, get the housework done and still have energy leftover. Imagine bouncing out of bed in the mornings and feeling fresh and vibrant as opposed to tired and sluggish. Sound too good to be true? Well it’s not! Juicing is a great way to clean house…get rid of that toxic build-up and get your energy back! Join Dr. Ritamarie for this energizing show!
How Juicing Affects Your Blood Sugar There is a lot of power in drinking fresh pressed juice on a regular basis, but there is also a lot of confusion.
Join Dr. Ritamarie as she clears up the confusion between juicing and blood sugar.
Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo has been an integrative health care practitioner for over two decades, empowering her patients and students to overcome health challenges and lead a joyful and healthy life. She’s a Doctor of Chiropractic with Certifications in Acupuncture, Clinical Nutrition, HeartMath® and Herbal Medicine as well as a certified raw and living foods instructor, chef and coach. She’s the author and co-author of several gluten-free vegan and raw foods recipe books, including Power Breakfast Ideas, Deliciously Quick Lunch and Dinner, Healthy Halloween Treats, Dessert: Making it Rich Without Oil and Dried and Gone to Heaven. She’s also the creator of several online courses on a variety of health issues. | |
Includes a downloaded recording of a 2 hour teleclass, anti- inflammatory recipe guide, shopping list and checklists, flowcharts of your body’s inflammatory pathways and bonus resources, including Lunch and Dinner and Breakfast e-books and Transforming Stress Kit. Read more here… Desserts make your tongue feel gleeful and your heart sing. But have you ever thought about how your favorite desserts ultimately affect your body? With their gluten, dairy, unhealthy trans fats and refined sugar, these desserts are likely to contribute to premature aging, inflammation, irritable bowel, mucous buildup and problems with focusing. Read more here… They’re all comfort foods that we turn to in times of emotional upheaval, boredom or loneliness. When you eat your favorite comfort foods, you feel great…for a little while. Until the discomfort sets in. Read more here… Your children are your most precious gift. You teach them by example and your every thought, word and action. What you feed your children, especially during the early years, will shape their health and vitality throughout their lives. Starting with the freshest, most vibrant and clean sources of nutrients to feed their growing bodies is vital to their health and development. You might have heard many health experts say that it’s crucial to begin your day with a meal. What they might have failed to say, though, is how to make your first fuel of the day powerful enough to propel you forward with energy and gusto! |
“Bean” Feeling Hungry!?
You’re welcome to share any of the articles in this newsletter. When you do, please use the article in its entirety and include this complete blurb with it: “Would you like to learn more simple strategies to achieving vibrant energy, a strong lean body and an extraordinary life? Check out my web site, www.DrRitamarie.com, for free articles, free resources and to sign up for my free report “7 Simple Steps to Energizing Your Life..in as little as 30 Days”. Internationally recognized speaker, author and mentor, Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo is the “Woman’s Fatigue Expert and Vibrant Health Mentor.” |
Recharge with Dr. Ritamarie is published by Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo. If you have any questions or comments, please visit: https://drritamarie.com/wp-clone/helpdesk |
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Medical Disclaimer: The information on this website is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo, drritamarie.com, and the experts who have contributed. We encourage you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional.
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