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Green Smoothies for Kids

By Ritamarie Loscalzo


kale - green smoothies for kidsI had so much fun today.  I’m in Arizona, visiting my sister Barbara and brother Frank.  This morning, at my Barbara’s house, after a 2 1/2 hour brisk walk, I made us a big blender full of green smoothie….kale, dandelion greens, spinach, peaches, cherries,mango, banana, lime and ginger.  It was strong, but tasty.   My sister and I fed part of it to her grandson Jason, age 8 months.  He loved it.  So much so that I had to take pictures.  I posted them on my Green Smoothie Cleanse page  https://drritamarie.com/wp-clone/GreenCleanse.

In the afternoon, we went to my brother’s house.  We were talking about green smoothies, and my nephew Anthony, age 9, was fascinated.  He wanted to make one right away.  After a trip to the grocery store to buy ingredients, we got started.  He had his own ideas, and it was exciting to experience his creativity.  We made 3 different smoothies.  He decided that he wants to make them regularly and take them to school.

My sister-in-law Terese called me later to say that Anthony and Frank made another smoothie after we left, so he could have one for the next day.  Frank and Terese also liked them and plan to start drinking them more regularly.  Frank may even join in on my next Green Smoothie Cleanse October 5 – 12.  For more details go to https://drritamarie.com/wp-clone/GreenCleanse

It felt great to successfully introduce my nephews to green smoothies. Getting kids started on them so young is guaranteed to improve their health dramatically.

I’ll post Anthony’s recipes on the Green Cleanse Forum, which is one of the benefits that participants in the Green Cleanse Program .

Have a beautiful Day.

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