You probably know by now how I feel about including gluten grains in your diet. I have even been called The Glutenator. I take that as a complement.
I have seen people with brain fog find clarity almost immediately after eliminating gluten from their diets. I’ve had a client that was able to significantly decrease her antidepressant medication after going gluten free.
After six months, another client with Hashimoto’s showed the disappearance of thyroid antibodies. The ironic thing with this is that some of the thyroid medications may contain gluten.
Gluten is hidden in many different places, sometimes in places you may not even think look. You may inadvertently eat a crouton, or lick the crumbs off your child’s birthday cake. Surely, you think, that won’t be a problem.
The video below shows that even even a milligram may be too much.
Five months ago on one of my BlogTalkRadio shows, I did a two-part interview with Dr. Tom O’Bryan, one of the foremost experts on gluten and its effects upon the body over time. Dr. O’Bryan also hosted an information-packed Gluten Summit last November.
Watch the video below as Dr. Tom O’Bryan shares a real life case that clearly depicts how even a milligram of gluten can be detrimental to your health and well-being. You need to be ever-vigilant with what you put in your body, be it from your food or your personal care and cleaning products. You might be surprised at the source of your discomfort and ill-health.
If you are ready to explore the world of gluten-free living, my FREE gluten Free Resource kit will help you on the path to gluten-free living. It includes information to help educate you, plus recipes to get you started on the many delicious dishes to encourage you that taste is still in the realm of possibilities. You can even bring them to potlucks and watch them disappear, so make sure to make extra for yourself.
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Medical Disclaimer: The information on this website is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo, drritamarie.com, and the experts who have contributed. We encourage you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional.
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[…] What is happening that is causing such issues in our kids? The answer may be a simple ingredient present in just about every meal… gluten! […]
[…] (WA) represent a spectrum of immune-mediated reactions to wheat and, in some cases, specifically gluten, a protein composite of gliadin and gluten in. Once believed to be relatively rare, particularly in […]
[…] Gluten-sensitivities are typical complex inflammatory disorders. The brain is on fire. It’s the most common system affected by gluten-sensitivity. What we want to do is treat the fire, not the smoke. […]