DrRitamarie@DrRitamarie.com www.DrRitamarie.com |
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August 9th, 2011 Volume 1, Issue 8 | |
As I write this I’m multitasking. I’ve read all about the inefficiencies of multitasking, or “split tasking” as it is more accurately termed. Yet still I persist, using the lulls in one activity to work on the other.
I’m your run of the mill overachiever. I have so much passion and so many goals it’s sometimes hard to keep it all straight. I am so grateful that I found the solution to my brain fog while I was still in my twenties and have the freedom that being in good health brings. We got the sad news overnight on Sunday that my father-in-law passed away (you will probably be reading this a few days later) . He was 89 years young. He had heart disease and diabetes and steadily declined after a fall 2 months ago, passing on after contracting pneumonia at the hospital. We were scheduled to bring him home on Monday for hospice care. This is the second funeral I am attending within just a month. I told my son Eric the other day that I feel a book coming on: How to Stay Out of the Hospital and How to Survive a Hospital Stay if You Can’t. Every time I see the pain and suffering of my loved ones, who don’t always take the best care of themselves, I become more passionate about what I do. After the funeral, I’ll be taking Eric to California for a college tour, then off to a friend’s wedding on the beach then home next Monday. NOTE: Please be patient if we’re a little slow answering e-mail. Scott has been good at keeping up from afar…but he will need some time with the family to celebrate his Dad’s life, so I anticipate a slight slow-down. My feature article is all about regaining your energy and focus so you can live with passion and purpose. Read about my friend, Dr. Lindsey Berkson who is the poster child for overcoming obstacles to achieve greatness. Stay tuned for the announcement of the date for my brand new f’ree teleseminar on strategies to help you with belly fat, brain fog and burnout. Due to the present family circumstances, we’ve pushed the date back a week to the last week in August. Signup details will be available soon. I’m getting close to wrapping up my 10-day juice cleanse and it has been quite a ride. Hunger and I are intimate friends now. And I must admit, the avocados are looking awfully good to me by now!!! Enjoy your week. As Tony Robbins says, “Live with Passion!” Much love and appreciation, Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo P.S. If you’re a new subscriber, welcome! Be sure to check out the blog for recipes, resources, and tips for recharging your energy so you can live with passion. |
Are You Living to Your Full Potential? Do you have dreams, visions, or unfulfilled ambitions? Do you sometimes think about the things you’d like to do then stop without even trying because you’re afraid you won’t have the energy or strength to complete? What’s holding you back? Are you:
What if it didn’t have to be that way? What if you could overcome your fears, refuel your energy tank, and get rid of all the excuses that hold you back? Bustin’ Excuses with BerksonMy friend Lindsey Berkson is my icon for someone who does not allow circumstances to get in the way of achieving her goals. She was a “victim” since birth, yet refuses to see herself that way. Her mom took DES while pregnant with her. DES is a potent drug that prevents miscarriages and causes cancer and other very serious illnesses in the offspring. As a result, Lindsey wound up with breast cancer and has had several organs removed as a result of the exposure. She only has 1 kidney, half a thyroid gland, and only one ovary. The prediction for premature death and debilitating illness for DES survivors is very high. Lindsey decided at an early age that she was going to beat the odds. As a result, she became an avid researcher in the health and nutrition field. She learned early on that maintaining excellent nutrition and lifestyle habits were not only a good idea…they were crucial to the quality of life. You’ll never believe what she is in the process of doing. To me, it’s mind-blowing. When she called me on Saturday and told me about it, I was shocked. Most women in their twenties wouldn’t have the guts or the strength and stamina to do what she’s doing. SHE’S WELL INTO MENOPAUSE and is missing some organs. What an inspiration. What is that dream in your heart? What’s getting in the way? Pick something you’d like to accomplish. Write it down, then think of all the steps that need to be taken to get you there. You can do it, if you believe you can and take really good care of yourself… …like Lindsey. |
Reinforce Your Recharge:August 27th, 2011 Dr. Ritamarie’s Monthly Potluck
Upcoming Shows:
Brigitte Mars: Time Tested Treatments for Common Ailments
Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo has been an integrative health care practitioner for over two decades, empowering her patients and students to overcome health challenges and lead a joyful and healthy life. She’s a Doctor of Chiropractic with Certifications in Acupuncture, Clinical Nutrition, HeartMath® and Herbal Medicine as well as a certified raw and living foods instructor, chef and coach. She’s the author and co-author of several gluten-free vegan and raw foods recipe books, including Power Breakfast Ideas, Deliciously Quick Lunch and Dinner, Healthy Halloween Treats, Dessert: Making it Rich Without Oil and Dried and Gone to Heaven. She’s also the creator of several online courses on a variety of health issues. | |
Includes a downloaded recording of a 2 hour teleclass, anti- inflammatory recipe guide, shopping list and checklists, flowcharts of your body’s inflammatory pathways and bonus resources, including Lunch and Dinner and Breakfast e-books and Transforming Stress Kit. Read more here… Desserts make your tongue feel gleeful and your heart sing. But have you ever thought about how your favorite desserts ultimately affect your body? With their gluten, dairy, unhealthy trans fats and refined sugar, these desserts are likely to contribute to premature aging, inflammation, irritable bowel, mucous buildup and problems with focusing. Read more here… They’re all comfort foods that we turn to in times of emotional upheaval, boredom or loneliness. When you eat your favorite comfort foods, you feel great…for a little while. Until the discomfort sets in. Read more here… Your children are your most precious gift. You teach them by example and your every thought, word and action. What you feed your children, especially during the early years, will shape their health and vitality throughout their lives. Starting with the freshest, most vibrant and clean sources of nutrients to feed their growing bodies is vital to their health and development. Read more here… You might have heard many health experts say that it’s crucial to begin your day with a meal. What they might have failed to say, though, is how to make your first fuel of the day powerful enough to propel you forward with energy and gusto! Read more here… |
Power Your Way to Your Potential!
You’re welcome to share any of the articles in this newsletter. When you do, please use the article in its entirety and include this complete blurb with it: “Would you like to learn more simple strategies to achieving vibrant energy, a strong lean body and an extraordinary life? Check out my web site, www.DrRitamarie.com, for free articles, free resources and to sign up for my free report “7 Simple Steps to Energizing Your Life..in as little as 30 Days”. Internationally recognized speaker, author and mentor, Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo is the “Woman’s Fatigue Expert and Vibrant Health Mentor.” |
Recharge with Dr. Ritamarie is published by Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo. If you have any questions or comments, please visit: https://drritamarie.com/wp-clone/helpdesk |
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Medical Disclaimer: The information on this website is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo, drritamarie.com, and the experts who have contributed. We encourage you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional.
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