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Radio Show: All about Omegas: The 3-6-9 Golden Rule

By Ritamarie Loscalzo


Depositphotos_6594246_xsThere’s a lot of buzz out there about omega fats, and that you need them. However, the moment you go to research what’s what, that’s where the confusion tends to begin. The omega fat “rabbit hole” is one that can leave a person feeling completely discouraged and not sure what to do.

First, we’ll start with the facts: balancing the right ratio of omega 3, 6, and 9 Essential Fatty Acids could make all the difference in reducing inflammation in your body and skyrocketing your health—and quite quickly to boot.

Most people know that we need more Omega 3’s but then often reduce the other two dramatically. That is not the answer either. Your body needs all three. The 3-6-9 golden rule is a key to helping you achieve great health.

Dr. Ritamarie will demystify this often confusing topic in this episode of Vibrant Health Solutions radio. As you listen, have a piece of paper ready, and it will become clear to you how to balance these essential nutrients, how they interrelate, how your health can improve, and what vegan and non-vegan foods and supplements contain the highest amounts of each omega fat.

Hint: it’s so much easier than you think to stay healthy anytime, anywhere. Join Dr. Ritamarie as she gives you some no-holds barred, simple strategies, tips, and tricks that will keep both your body happy as well as give you peace of mind. Don’t miss this powerful show!

Show Day:

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Time: 8am PT / 9am MT / 10am CT / 11am ET
Length: 30 Minutes

The show call in number is: (424) 243-9555

At show time, refresh this page and click on the blog talk radio player to the right or go to Blog Talk Radio to listen in:

The episode link is: Vibrant Health Solutions Radio

Be sure to friend (follow button) me on Blog talk Radio! Dr. Ritamarie’s Blogtalk Radio Channel

In this show learn:

  • The differences are among the three omega fats, why you need them, and each of their roles.
  • What has created the situation of most people being so out of balance. (hint: certain “healthy” foods…might be throwing your ratio completely off!)
  • The best foods and supplements that balance the 3-6 ratio and safely up those Omega 3’s.

Additional Resources:

Download or listen to the replay here!

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Learn more about the program that Dr. Ritamarie developed to help balance your body and to help you look and feel young and vibrant again! Click Here  to get your free videos while they are still up!


b4begone-moduleplusbonusiconFINALx325-pdf-mp3-300x180Or, if you are ready to dig right in and take control of your health…you can Join the B4 Be Gone Program and watch your belly fat, brain fog, blood sugar imbalance, burnout and fatigue fatigue fade away! Click Here



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