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Reducing Belly Fat, Blood Sugar Level Balance, and Insulin Resistance
September Monthly Special
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Additional Savings for VITAL Community members!
Vibrant Health Radio
Upcoming Show
How Parents Can Reverse Dyslexia and ADD for Good, where Dr. Ritamarie will be interviewing Dr. Phyllis Books about her amazing Dyslexia Detective system that parents can use for reversing dyslexia, ADHD, ADD, and issues arising from head traumas.
Archived Shows
Cleansing and Detoxification Strategies (Encore Presentation), where Dr. Ritamarie covered the difference between cleansing and just eating a simple, whole, predominantly green diet for several days and how to know when your system is cleansed or when you’ve gone too far.
Show detail and access P.S. Afraid you might miss a show? No worries, just “friend me on Blogtalk Radio”, and you will always be notified of upcoming shows! Upcoming Events with
Dr. Ritamarie VITAL: Healing Kitchen: Mmmm is for Magnesium: Meals Loaded With This Miracle Mineral!
Saturday, September 21, 2013 3:00 p.m. CDT PUBLIC when LIVE, Private for VITAL members only after:
IRSPT: Rounds with Dr. Ritamarie Call #4
Monday, September 30, 2013 7:00 p.m. CDT CAFE – Bonus Call – Coaching and Adrenal Lab Review
Tuesday, September 24, 2013 5:00 p.m. CDT
Members only. Register HERE: Dr. Ritamarie Recommends
Are you concerned that a child or teen in your life may be struggling with dyslexia? Then you will definitely want to check out Dr. Phyllis Books‘ free webinar for the Dyslexia Detective on Wednesday, October 23rd. You will learn proven strategies to determine if your child struggles with dyslexia (and it isn’t what you might think). Dyslexia and other neurological issues are reversible! Let Dr. Books show you how.
Register for the free webinar here Learn Raw Fusion: same food-different treatments – from a pro, internationally famous author and teacher Nomi Shannon. She’ll practically be looking over your shoulder! Latest on the Blog
Dr. Ritamarie’s Living Foods Meetup
Once a month, you can join us LIVE in Austin, Texas for a local raw food potluck where you can:
Upcoming Dates 2013
September 21st, 6:30 p.m. CDT October 26th, 6:30 p.m. CDT November 30th, 6:30 p.m. CDT
Click HERE to learn more about Dr. Ritamarie’s Living Foods Meetup!
Find out all the details on what to bring and what to expect. Tip of the Week:
Reduce your appetite by sleeping more!
Brain fog and sluggish metabolism can also be related to sleep deprivation.
Make sure you have a good, restful sleep each night and if you can, take short power naps during the day.
You will not only feel more clear and alert, but you will also have less craving for comfort foods, especially carbs!
For additional tips and tricks for living a vibrant life, Join the VITAL Community HERE
September 18, 2013
Balancing Hormones and Reversing Dyslexia
Hi Health-Seeker,
Thanks for all your well wishes. I can feel the love and support as my elbow continues to heal. I am out of the splint and in a brace, and have just begun to type a little with my left hand in short spurts. Big Hugs and lots of Appreciation,
Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo
The Top Ten Hormone Balancing Foods for Energy, Fitness and Fun I love working with hormones. When we can bring balance to hormones, everything starts to improve.
Genes and Thyroid Enjoy!
Spinach Pumpkin Pesto
This versatile low fat, vegan version of pesto is great in a wrap or as a party dip with some crudites.
This recipe is from Dr. Ritamarie’s Eating for Hormone Balance Full Video Course on special this month for all of our newsletter readers (at 30% savings!).
“Would you like to learn more simple strategies to achieving vibrant energy, a strong lean body and an extraordinary life? Check out my web site,, for free articles, free resources and to sign up for my free report 7 Simple Steps to Energizing Your Life… in as little as 30 Days. Internationally recognized speaker, author, and mentor, Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo is the “Energy Recharge Nutrition Specialist and Vibrant Health Mentor.” Dr. Ritamarie’s Energy Recharge Newsletter is published by Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo. If you have any questions or comments, please visit: or call: 1 (877) 727-5992
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Functional Assessment Mastery
Explore the relationships between the most important hormones and their relationship with nutrition.
Functional Nutrition Mastery
Learn how to support your clients to eat and supplement in a way that reduces and eliminates chronic symptoms.
Medical Disclaimer: The information on this website is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo,, and the experts who have contributed. We encourage you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional.
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