DrRitamarie@DrRitamarie.com www.DrRitamarie.com |
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August 25th, 2011 Volume 1, Issue 10 | |
Hello there,
Our summer has been unusually hot. The number of days of above-100-degree weather here usually averages around 12. We are now at day 67 and the 10-day forecast shows temperatures in the range of 105 – 107 through the end of August. A cool front is due to arrive on September 1st with temperatures of “ONLY 101!!” While many people are complaining about it (which is not likely to change anything!) I personally love the hot weather …as long as it’s a dry heat. I’ve been taking breaks almost daily to run and swim in the afternoon. With my kids back at school, I once again have the luxury of quiet days so I can get more done!!! We have a lot of activities planned over the next few weeks to get your body in shape and your energy charged so you can get your health out of the way of living with passion, purpose, and joy. Our long awaited video series is about to be unveiled. Check your inbox for an announcement about Bye Bye Belly Fat, Brain Fog and Burnout, a 5-part video series plus live webinar that I am gifting to you! It’s been a lot of work to put together, and the information shared is life-changing. The sign-up link will appear on the page below soon, and we’ll e-mail you to let you know when you can actively register, but here’s the page you’ll want to bookmark: One of the contributing factors to your expanding midline, foggy brain, and low energy just may be your thyroid gland. In my feature article and newly released video, I share lots of juicy info about how you can determine if your thyroid is out of whack and how to take action now to restoke your fire. Click here to watch the video! For locals, we have our monthly opportunity to get together for fun and inspiration. Join us at my home for a live food potluck on Saturday. Soon we’ll be able to live stream talks at these events. I got some new exciting software and I’ll activate it as soon as I figure it out! Be sure to check out our “Back to School Resources” and the recipe of the week, a delicious Immunity Soup, which is one of my favorites. Remember that our 7-day Energy Recharge Green Cleanse program, officially starts on Sept 11th, but you can start now by signing up and enjoying the pre-cleanse starting on September 4th. Much love and appreciation, Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo
If you are a nutrition coach or holistic practitioner, don’t miss my interview with my friend and mentor, Bill Baren next week. He has such a knack for getting his potential clients to see the power of his services that he has them practically begging to become his clients. I’m going to pick his brain about how he does it next Wednesday. The e-book gift he sends you when you sign up is a great way to get started. You can register here: http://www.billbaren.com/ritamarie-teleclass Also for nutrition coaches and aspiring nutrition coaches, I’m putting together a certification program and would love your feedback about what you’d like to see in it. Here’s the link to a survey I created just for you, and I’m offering a couple of gifts to make it worth your while to complete it. Complete the Survey –>> Nutrition Coach Survey As mentioned last week, I’m in the running to become the first potential winner of the “Best Nutrition Guru and Trainer” in the 2011 VegHealth Awards. If you have not yet voted, I hope you’ll take a quick moment to cheer me on and send in your vote: https://drritamarie.com/wp-clone/go/VoteRitamarie If you’ve already voted, a quick note on Twitter or Facebook to spread the word could also be the nudge I need to become this year’s winner! Just share this link and help spread the word! https://drritamarie.com/wp-clone/go/VoteRitamarie Remember, anyone who votes receives a fr’ee 10-Day VegHealth program and gets entered to win the $247 prize pack. Voting closes on August 31st. P.P.S. If you’re a new subscriber, welcome! Be sure to check out the blog for recipes, resources, and tips for recharging your energy so you can live with passion. |
Thyroid Issues: What’s Really Leaving You Feeling Flabby, Foggy, and Fatigued! – by Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo Thyroid imbalance can leave you feeling flabby, foggy, fatigued and unfocused because your thyroid gland rules your metabolic rate. Fatigue is a huge part of thyroid imbalance… and not just general fatigue either. Did you know that your organs and glands can suffer from fatigue? Your skin and immune system can too. When you turn down the internal metabolic furnace and burn your fuel more slowly, the inevitable result is weight gain or the inability to easily shed your extra pounds. Generally, this slow-down is accompanied by a feeling of exhaustion, but not always. Often the “exhaustion” is at a cellular level. When your skin is tired, you get outbreaks and slow wound healing. When your digestion becomes sluggish, you may experience constipation or indigestion. A fatigued immune system can’t adequately protect you from microbes and starts to attack itself. And a worn out liver is unlikely to be efficient at eliminating toxins. While fatigue and exhaustion can have many causes, an underactive thyroid is a very common one. And what most people don’t realize is that most hypothyroidism (about 80%) is caused by an autoimmune process. Which, incidentally, means the real cause of your fatigue and weight gain has nothing to do with your thyroid. The thyroid gland is just an innocent bystander in the war that’s raging in your immune system, for it’s your immune system that creates antibodies that attack the thyroid and make it malfuntion. So simply replacing thyroid hormon without fixing your immune system does not solve the problem. Learn all about thyroid function, testing, and a few tips to restore balance on my video here. It’s best to identify autoimmune thyroid problems early on, before your thyroid is completely destroyed. And the best way to do that is to balance your immune system. We’ll discuss that more in the new 5-part video series Bye-Bye Belly Fat, Brainfog, and Burnout, so be sure to sign-up as soon as registration opens! Visit this Coming Soon Program here: |
Reinforce Your Recharge Events:
September 4th, 2011 Energy Recharge Green Cleanse (Transition Week Begins)
Sneak Peak at Upcoming Raw Food University Classes and Events:
Upcoming Shows:
Your Muscles May be Making You Fat – Thursday, August 25th, 2011 If you want a smaller waistline you need a bigger understanding of insulin. When you eat high carbohydrate comfort foods regularly, your insulin levels become dangerously high and your cells become resistant to insulin. This means you can’t get enough sugar into your cells and you feel tired, unfocused, and hungry after meals. To get control of your belly fat, you need to break the viscous cycle. On top of the difficulty and stress people experience due to insulin resistance, worry and fear trigger increased cortisol, an adrenal hormone. Join Dr. Ritamarie and learn the kicker that keeps the belly fat from burning…and how your muscles could be contributing to your belly fat. 11:30am PT, 12:30pm MT, 1:30pm CT, 2:30pm ET Click HERE to attend! Radio Shows Archive:The Hidden Dangers in School Lunches In some parts of the country school has already started. In others, it’s just around the corner. As kids get older, it’s not “cool” to bring your lunch from home, but just what are your kids eating in school that could be hurting their health and affecting their ability to focus and do well in class? Brigitte Mars: Time Tested Treatments for Common Ailments DIY solutions you can use for quick relief of common ailments through natural alternatives–without a trip to the pharmacy. For example, use a paste of crushed up aspirin and water to calm the inflammation of sunburn. Did you know valerian root is a mild version of the prescription drug valium? So making a cup of valerian tea the perfect remedy for stress, PMS, and other nervous conditions. Joining Dr. Ritamarie is author Brigitte Mars. Brigitte is an herbalist and nutritional consultant with over forty years experience.
What you eat DOES matter. Are you one who uses the excuse that you don’t have time to prepare healthy meals for yourself? Well guess what…healthy food does not have to take hours to prepare. Dr. Ritamarie will give you some great ideas and tips for healthy lunches that take minutes to prepare. At the end of this episode, you will fast be on your way to the lean, strong and energetic body that you desire and deserve! |
She’s a Doctor of Chiropractic with Certifications in Acupuncture, Clinical Nutrition, HeartMath® and Herbal Medicine as well as a certified raw and living foods instructor, chef and coach. She’s the author and co-author of several gluten-free vegan and raw foods recipe books including: Power Breakfast Ideas, Deliciously Quick Lunch and Dinner, Healthy Halloween Treats, Dessert: Making it Rich Without Oil and Dried and Gone to Heaven. She’s also the creator of many successful online courses designed to restore people to the health, energy, and vitality they need to live full and vibrant lives. |
Desserts make your tongue feel gleeful and your heart sing. But have you ever thought about how your favorite desserts ultimately affect your body? With their gluten, dairy, unhealthy trans fats and refined sugar, these desserts are likely to contribute to premature aging, inflammation, irritable bowel, mucous buildup and problems with focusing. Read more here… They’re all comfort foods that we turn to in times of emotional upheaval, boredom or loneliness. When you eat your favorite comfort foods, you feel great…for a little while. Until the discomfort sets in. Read more here… Your children are your most precious gift. You teach them by example and your every thought, word and action. What you feed your children, especially during the early years, will shape their health and vitality throughout their lives. Starting with the freshest, most vibrant and clean sources of nutrients to feed their growing bodies is vital to their health and development. Read more here… You might have heard many health experts say that it’s crucial to begin your day with a meal. What they might have failed to say, though, is how to make your first fuel of the day powerful enough to propel you forward with energy and gusto! Read more here…
Immune System SoupMany problematic health conditions begin with finding balance with your immune system. Here’s a recipe from the Energy Recharge Green Cleanse that will help to recharge and repair! For more healing blended green recipes and to get 3 months of Eating Green support, sign up here! Italian Immune System Soup(The measurements make a full blender (high-powered blender) of soup. If you have a smaller household blender, cut the ingredient amounts in half) Ingredients:
Do you have a great raw food recipe you’d like to share? Submit your recipe at: https://drritamarie.com/wp-clone/newslettercontributions/ |
You’re welcome to share any of the articles in this newsletter. When you do, please use the article in its entirety and include this complete blurb with it: “Would you like to learn more simple strategies to achieving vibrant energy, a strong lean body and an extraordinary life? Check out my web site, www.DrRitamarie.com, for free articles, free resources and to sign up for my free report “7 Simple Steps to Energizing Your Life… in as little as 30 Days”. Internationally recognized speaker, author and mentor, Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo is the “Woman’s Fatigue Expert and Vibrant Health Mentor.” |
Recharge with Dr. Ritamarie is published by Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo. If you have any questions or comments, please visit: https://drritamarie.com/wp-clone/helpdesk |
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Medical Disclaimer: The information on this website is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo, drritamarie.com, and the experts who have contributed. We encourage you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional.
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