Why are we not using rice or couscous? Couscous is made with wheat, and wheat has gluten in it. Gluten tends to be inflammatory, and can affect autoimmune diseases and the gut. There’s a whole lot of evidence about that, so we try to stay away from that. For a lot of people, rice tends to raise blood sugar. There is a big push away from grains these days for people who are into paleo eating, for autoimmune issues, and for allergies. A lot of people have sensitivities to grains. So instead of the grains, we are using the raw fresh whole food that is brimming with nutrition because it has a similar taste and texture. You could also make these dishes with quinoa, which is a non-gluten grain. Some people also make tabouli without the grain or grain substitute portion.
- 1 head cauliflower
- Cut cauliflower into pieces to fit in food processor.
- Process until it looks like rice.
- Depending on what dish you are using it for, you can dehydrate it to dry it out or leave it as it is.
Personal Note: You can also use parsnips, turnips, or daikon radish to create a rice-like dish.
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