Host and Guest:
Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo interviews Alan Miller, ND, and Dawn Aubrey, CCN
In this show you’ll learn:
- What mitochondria are and what they do for you.
- Why people lose muscle mass as they age and when they diet.
- The importance of mitochondrial function in cellular energy, weight regulation, sports, aging, detoxification, and retaining muscle mass.
The preservation of skeletal muscle mass is central to maintaining mobility and quality of life with aging and also impacts on our capacity to recover from illness and injury. When you go through periods of time when you don’t use your muscles, this also creates a change in cellular and molecular processes in your muscles. Mitochondrial changes also contribute to muscle aging.
Join Dr. Ritamarie, Dr. Alan Miller, and Dawn Aubrey, CCN, as they discuss the changes that occur in aging muscles and the determining potential relevance of the mitochondrial theory of aging.
Dr. Alan Miller graduated from the prestigious Bastyr University, and has 25 years of experience as a naturopathic physician in the areas of clinical practice, research, writing, education, formulation, product development, and technical support. For the past 21 years Dr. Miller has worked for Thorne Research, and currently is Executive Director, Medical Education. Dr. Miller was founding Senior Editor of Alternative Medicine Review, the first peer-reviewed, MEDLINE-indexed journal of clinical therapeutics in integrative medicine. He has authored over 20 scientific papers, and is an author and contributing editor to Pizzorno and Murray’s Textbook of Natural Medicine. Alan is a skilled educator and has lectured at medical conferences worldwide.
Dawn Aubrey is a Certified Clinical Nutritionist, as well as a Functional Medicine Consultant and Certified Lifestyle Educator through Thorne Research. Dawn was a pre-med student in college, with electives in nutrition. She put her education to work for her during a prolonged undiagnosable illness in the 1990s. Several certifications later, Dawn has been educating doctors on incorporating nutrition, nutritional therapies, and appropriate lifestyle practices for over 20 years.
Additional Resources:
To learn more, go to www.thorne.com to watch more educational webinars, videos, and more.
If you’re ready to let go of old patterns and beliefs and finally bring your body into balance so your energy can soar and you feel confident, comfortable, and strong in your body, then sign up for a strategy session with one of our coaches. We’ve just opened enrollment for a year-long program that offers education, tools, mentorship, and coaching to recharge your energy, balance your hormones, heal your gut, and personalize your program based on your genetics. Become part of Dr. Ritamarie’s Energy Recharge Inner Circle and step into the body and life you deserve..
Check out Dr. Ritamarie’s VITAL Health Community for additional resources on the role that plants and herbs play on your hormones and digestive health, as well as strategies to include in your daily routines to achieve more vitality.
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Medical Disclaimer: The information on this website is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo, drritamarie.com, and the experts who have contributed. We encourage you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional.
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