Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo
In this show you’ll learn:
- The dangers of high levels of blood sugar
- How the diagnosis comes about for diabetes and its progression
- How you can control your blood sugars
Listen to the Replay:
This show will knock your socks off. It’s about demystifying something that has become an epidemic in our society. It’s not recognized to be as big a problem as it is. This problem is – blood sugar imbalance.
Join Dr. Ritamarie as she discusses how blood sugar imbalance is like being on a continuum, like a lot of diseases. Western medicine likes to look at disease as it’s either there or it’s not. You go to the doctor and they say, “No, you don’t have the signs of diabetes.” But you can go back three weeks later because one of your numbers jumps or a particular test result turns out differently, and then they’ll say, “Yes, now you have it.”
What most people don’t realize is that because of that approach, your diseases start much sooner than they are diagnosed. The important thing for you to know is that what puts you in the driver seat is knowing that many of these diseases can be detected long before they actually begin.
Additional Resources:
Sign up to access Dr. Ritamarie’s free quiz to find out where you are with your blood sugar levels, determine your risk for insulin resistance, and how this can affect your health.
If you’re ready to start a step-by-step, fully-guided program, learn more about the Sweet Spot Solution blood sugar balancing program.
Health practitioners might be interested in Dr. Ritamarie’s training program to become an Insulin Resistance Practitioner through the Institute of Nutritional Endocrinology.
Check out Dr. Ritamarie’s VITAL Health Community for additional resources on the role that plants and herbs play in your hormone and skin care health, as well as strategies to include in your daily routines to achieve more vitality.
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Medical Disclaimer: The information on this website is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo, drritamarie.com, and the experts who have contributed. We encourage you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional.
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[…] to clear up the mystery surrounding your blood test […]