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Functional Nutrigenomics in Clinical Practice

June 2, 2023

How to Use Nutrigenomics and Functional Lab Testing to Create Effective and Profitable Programs To Help More People and Grow Your Practice Like Never Before.

Learn how to order the best genetics tests to understand your clients’ potential health weaknesses, evaluate whether they are active using functional assessments and then use these findings to create personalized nutrition and lifestyle programs to restore balance to endocrine and metabolic pathways.

For the right practitioner, this is literally the golden ticket to a successful practice. There are so many people out there searching for a solution, and they have nowhere to go. They are desperate for a practitioner who they can trust to do what it takes to help them get their health back.

When you understand how to identify and reverse the metabolic and endocrine imbalances that lead to fatigue and exhaustion, and the role of nutritional endocrinology in preventing and reversing them, your practice will thrive.