One of my favorite singer songwriters, David Roth, has a song that I believe relates to the health journey that each of us is on as we strive to be as healthy and vibrant as we can be.
It takes commitment, persistence, and lots of PRACTICE to put new habits into place, especially those that are not the social norm.
I was listening to “Practice Makes Progress” on my run the day after my 3-day Spring Into Vitality event ended, and the lyrics really struck a chord with me.

As I listened, my eyes filled with tears, and I realized that this song reflects the journey I offer in my programs, especially in my year long Energy Recharge Inner Circle.
To help you fully understand the meaning of this song, here are the words to meditate on:
Practice Makes Progress © 2006 David Roth
Inspired by a hang gliding trip I took in 1994, along with my invitation to a Peak Parent Conference (www.peakparent.org) in Breckenridge, CO twelve years later.
I was nervous, I was scared
He said jump, and I said where
Off this cliff, we’re gonna glide
“ You must be joking”, I replied
Not at all, he said to me
I’ll be right here, here’s where I’ll be
We’ll take the plunge, it won’t be hard
We’ll do it once, and that’s a start
Practice makes progress, give it a try
That thing you think you can’t do just stresses you
It’s just a journey, you and I
Practice makes progress, give it a try
Got a friend in a chair
Rolls around here and there
There are things that he can’t do
Ride a bike, tie his shoe
But who said legs or eyes or ears
Makes this world any clearer
He teaches me, I stumble on
And we get up whenever we fall down
Practice makes progress, give it a try
That thing you think you can’t do just stresses you
It’s just a journey, you and I
Practice makes progress, give it a try
Here it comes again, I’m feeling fearful
Afraid of the mistakes that I might make
But fear is just excitement without oxygen
So I’ll take the deepest breath that I can take…
A little nervous, a little shy
New situation, my oh my
But here I go, what’s there to lose
I’ll still be breathing no matter what I do
Practice makes progress, give it a try
That thing you think you can’t do just stresses you
It’s just a journey, you and I
Practice makes progress, give it a try
It’s just a journey, it’s always so
Practice makes progress
Here we go
It’s scary to step into uncharted territory, and it can also be exhilarating with the right support.
It’s a journey, you and I! I am here to guide and support you every step of the way.
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I didn’t want it to quit!