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Berries and Whipped Cream 

By Ritamarie Loscalzo


When people are reluctant to give up the typical, unhealthy, standard American diet (SAD), even though they know it’s bad for them, I often find it’s because they are focused on deprivation.  They believe they will never again be able to enjoy rich, decadent treats they find so delicious and satisfying.

Well, the recipe below proves nothing could be further from the truth.

There are so many healthy alternatives and simple tricks that remove the high glycemic sweeteners and thickening agents in recipes without sacrificing taste and texture.

Konjac and luo han are two of my favorites ways to switch things up.

Konjac is a root vegetable that grows in parts of Asia. It’s a rich source of soluble dietary fiber known as glucomannan that can lower cholesterol and blood glucose levels, improve metabolism, and help bowel movements.

Also a popular noodle alternative (called shirataki), in powder form it can also be used to thicken soups and sauces.

Luo han, also known as monk fruit, is from the same food family as gourds. Grown in southern China for hundreds of years, luo han is a low glycemic sweetener 200 times sweeter than sugar that got its name from the Buddhist monks who originally grew it centuries ago.  

It’s also anti-inflammatory and has been used medicinally to treat intestinal problems and the common cold.

If you aren’t familiar with luo han or konjac, give this recipe a try.

Deprivation has never tasted so good!


  • Young Thai coconut meat or Artisana coconut cream 
  • 1/8 teaspoon konjac 
  • Sprinkle luo han
  •  Handful strawberries
  •  Handful blueberries 


1. Blend coconut meat or Artisana coconut cream and luo han. 

2. Add konjac and blend. 

3. Put berries in bowl and pour coconut whipped cream over berries.

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