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Reduce Belly Fat and Brain Fog: Adrenal Gland and Stress Connection

By Ritamarie Loscalzo


7 of my favorite strategies for reducing brain fog and reducing excess belly fat were outlined in a previous post .

  1. Get a handle on stress.
  2. Burst exercise
  3. Regulate your Blood Sugar
  4. Eat a Nutrient dense diet rich in whole, raw plant foods and test nutrient levels and function regularly
  5. Balance  Your Immune system, avoid allergens and eat a Gluten Free Diet
  6. Get sufficient high quality  Sleep
  7. Incorporate regular Cleansing and Detoxification, like a 7 day green cleanse every quarter.

Today’s post discusses getting a handle on stress to reduce belly fat and brain fog.

It should be no surprise that managing stress tops my list of brain fog and belly fat reducing strategies.

Face it.  Stress happens.  You can’t necessarily control the external circumstances.  You can control your response to them.

When you’re stressed, your adrenal glands produce adrenaline and cortisol.  Adrenaline is responsible for helping you to perform heroically, like in the story of the mom who lifts a car off her child.

Cortisol rises more slowly than adrenaline and lasts longer.

One of it’s jobs is to cause fat to be released from storage and turned into sugar…which is a very good thing if you’re running away from a tiger.   It also causes you to become more efficient at burning fat for energy – you’re not going to be able to refuel while in pursuit by a hungry animal.

Since most modern day stressors don’t require physical exertion, like getting stuck in traffic, financial concerns, an over demanding boss, or  juggling children’s activities cortisol can work to your disadvantage.   When your fat stores are released and turned into sugar, the lack of physical exertion causes your blood sugar levels to rise, which causes extra insulin to be released.  Insulin triggers the extra sugar to be converted back into fat because you don’t need it in your sedentary life.

Most of the fat is stored on your waist.

Then there’s the effect of  cortisol on your brain, explained in detail in the 7 Strategies to reduce belly fat and brain fog.

Managing your stress levels, and reducing the amount of time you spend in fight flight mode, also known as sympathetic nervous system dominance, is mandatory if you would like to reduce belly fat and brain fog.

It takes some retraining, yet I know from both personal and clinical experience that it can happen.  One of the easiest practices you can start is breathing and appreciation.

With an investment of as little as 3 minutes a day, you can create a breathing and appreciation practice that can transform the negative effects of stress to highly beneficial ones.

The best description of this is on the Heart Math website.  I’ve been employing these methods for years and have taught them to thousands of patients and clients.  The results are miraculous.

I’ve taught this technique to many patients and students with great success and even have a recorded teleseminar and work book available to guide you through it.

Other practices that can help you dissipate the negative effects of stress are yoga, meditation, massage, Reiki and tapping, also known as EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) .

It’s important that you find a method that works for YOU.  My personality and lifestyle is such that Heart Math works better for me than meditation and yoga because I need only invest small amounts of time throughout the day and I can do it while I do other things.  It’s the best technique for all of us chronic multitaskers!

The next article in this sequence is Reduce Belly Fat and Brain Fog:  Blood Sugar Level Regulation

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  2. Tamara Locke on April 10, 2011 at 6:17 pm

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  3. It’s Belly Fat Bustin’ Time! | on August 18, 2011 at 4:24 am

    […] difficulty and stress people experience due to insulin resistance, worry and fear trigger increased cortisol, an adrenal […]

  4. […] difficulty and stress people experience due to insulin resistance, worry and fear trigger increased cortisol, an adrenal […]

  5. Say Farewell to Fat, Fog, and Fictions! | on August 29, 2011 at 7:56 pm

    […] difficulty and stress people experience due to insulin resistance, worry and fear trigger increased cortisol, an adrenal hormone. Join Dr. Ritamarie and learn the kicker that keeps the belly fat from […]

  6. […] bet you see a lot of people in your practice who are suffering from adrenal fatigue.  It’s so common, it is estimated to plague 80% of all women at some point in their […]

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  8. […] Dr. Ritamarie and Peter McCarthy as they discuss how stress has become an overwhelmingly negative factor in our dietary habits, lifestyle, thought patterns, […]

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