Thursday, August 25, 2011
Have you noticed that excess belly fat appears to be almost epidemic these days, even amongst the very slender and the very young?
If you want a smaller waistline you need a bigger understanding of insulin
When you eat high carbohydrate comfort foods regularly, your insulin levels become dangerously high and your cells become resistant to insulin. This means you can’t get enough sugar into your cells and you feel tired, unfocused, and hungry after meals.
To get control of your belly fat, you need to break the viscous cycle.
On top of the difficulty and stress people experience due to insulin resistance, worry and fear trigger increased cortisol, an adrenal hormone.
Join Dr. Ritamarie and learn the kicker that keeps the belly fat from burning…and how your muscles could be contributing to your belly fat.
Sign up for Dr. Ritamarie’s free e-course 7 Simple Strategies to Jumpstart Your Energy Practically Overnight
For even MORE important and life changing guidance about optimizing your insulin levels and gettign a handle on your midline, check out Dr. Ritamarie’s brand new FREE video series: “Bye Bye Belly Fat, Brain Fog and Burnout” and 75 minute Webinar, “Mend Your Metabolism and Maximize Your Vitality” link to www.b4bgone.com
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