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The Limiting Beliefs That Are Robbing Your Energy and What to Do to Regain It.
By Ritamarie Loscalzo

Low energy, fatigue and brain fog plague 80% of the population…or more.
Solutions like caffeine, thyroid hormones and iron are usually offered — often to no avail.
The real solutions take digging into the root causes and changing diet and lifestyle habits…yet so many people find these difficult to implement.
So what is the secret sauce that I’ve found allows people to stick to new habits and restore their energy?
It’s something that Simon Sineck talks about in his groundbreaking TED talk….connecting to their “why”.
How does connecting to your why support you in getting back your energy, you might be wondering?
The energy that comes over you when occupied with or connected to something that feeds your very soul is deep and lasting. Just thinking about it can make you feel excited about getting out of bed in the morning or give you the motivation to make it through the last hours of a long day.
Purpose In Life (PIL) research is an area of research that focuses on the mind/body axis and the powerful ways in which emotional, mental, social and spiritual factors can directly affect energy, focus and hormone balance.
The typical reductionism research methodologies are difficult to apply to such a broad, highly personal, and often intangible subject matter.
Patrick Hill, assistant professor of psychology and brain sciences at Washington University, has spent the last decade researching the science of living with purpose. In order to do this, it has required tapping into large data sets and working collaboratively with researchers around the world, using several different ways and methods to capture “purpose”.
What is this rare, collaborative research revealing?
Believing your life has meaning and purpose was found to significantly support the health of the central nervous system and is linked to robust and persistently improved physiological health outcomes, especially for older adults.
In fact, studies point to a sense of purpose as reducing the risk of dementia and stroke as well as immunological and cardiovascular issues.
Connecting to the big “why”.
“He who has a Why to live for can bear almost any How.”
Most people intuitively know a sense of purpose in life adds a depth of meaning that benefits overall health and the quality of life in multiple ways.
What may not be as obvious is the need to connect the same depth of purpose and meaning to life goals in order to be successful.
In the 30 plus years of my functional healthcare practice, the overriding predictor of a client’s success inevitably returns to one thing: how effectively they identify and connect to their “why”.
Ironically, it’s the one thing many resist the most. There is a tendency to want to hurry up and get to the “how”. Understanding “how” is perceived as the key to success, yet connecting to the “why” provides the mindset and tools needed to consistently make the choices that get results.
Regardless of whether they’re a personal wellness client or a student in my NEPT (Nutritional Endocrinology Practitioner Training), whether they’re looking for an intense, guided experience or preferring something slow and self-paced or whether they’re focused on a specific issue or overall health concerns, I ask everyone to begin by connecting to their why. It’s the only way to set goals that are attainable, meaningful and help to sustain motivation.
In order for a person to effectively connect to their why, I break it down into three steps:
1. The Magic Wand Big Why Worksheet.
When people have been struggling with chronic health issues, it’s easy to forget what is possible. This worksheet prompts people to dig deep and remember their dreams. It reminds them of who they really are and what they really want.
You must envision it to become it.
2. Clarify Your Vision
Here I ask my clients and students to write a no holds barred, 5-year vision of their ideal selves physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally. They break the four areas down into eight different sub-categories and establish realistic goals in each.
By doing this they begin to embrace their vision piece by piece and can see it is all achievable.
3. Connect to Your Values
I’ve found that getting in touch with what’s really important to you and making choices with your values in mind, empowers you to choose the diet and lifestyle habits that support health.
Take your time, dig deep, be honest with yourself, and you will get there.
If you’ve been struggling with low energy or other health challenges, yet you just can’t consistently follow through on the habits you’ve been told will help, it’s time for you to get in touch with your big why, and use it to inform every decision you make.
If you’re a health practitioner struggling to get clients and patients to follow through on the plans you create for them, try starting with getting them in touch with their big why. In over three decades of clinical practice, I’ve found that those who succeed at restoring their health are those most committed to their why.
My big “why” is holding space for a community of functional healthcare practitioners who have the knowledge and ability to provide real support and solutions that empower disheartened people who have lost hope after suffering for years within a broken healthcare system.
We can bring change!
It’s why I’m excited to get up in the morning.
It’s why I teach.
It’s why I educate.
It’s why I started my podcast, ReInvent Healthcare.
If you are a healthcare provider that is looking for your own “why” or struggling to redefine what it can be, I’d be honored to support you in my Nutritional Endocrinology Practitioner Training (NEPT) program.
If you are searching for answers to your own health challenges, let’s connect via my Empowered Self-Care Lab membership and work on your health together.
Empower, support, provide.
What is your big “why”?
Life Crafting as a Way to Find Purpose and Meaning in Life – PMC
Self-determination theory and the facilitation of intrinsic motivation, social development, and well-being – PubMed
New Movement in Neuroscience: A Purpose-Driven Life – PMC
The Benefits of Having a Sense of Purpose | Cornell Research
The science of living with purpose | Arts & Sciences
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Medical Disclaimer: The information on this website is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo, drritamarie.com, and the experts who have contributed. We encourage you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional.
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