This recipe was inspired by Truth Calkins at a Longevity Now conference. I had a cup of seaweed soup at the snack bar and fell in love. I added a few extra ingredients to do my best to recreate it with my own twists, making it an amazing tool to support your adrenals, thyroid, and immune system.
- 4 cups sea vegetables: I used kelp, dulse, wakame, and a mixed seaweed blend
- 1/2 cup dried maitake mushroom
- 1 large piece fresh ginger
- Juice of 2 lemons
- 1 tablespoon miso (I used soy-free chickpea miso from South River Miso)
- 3 cloves fresh garlic
- 1 teaspoon cordyceps mushroom powder
- ½ tablespoon ashwagandha powder
- 1/2 teaspoon astragalus powder
- 1 tablespoon maca powder
- 1/2- 1 teaspoon flax or coconut oil (or a combination) for each serving
- Place sea vegetables and dried maitake mushroom in a large bowl, and add enough water to cover them twice.
- After about 15 minutes the sea veggies and mushrooms should be soft.
- Place the sea vegetables and soak water in large Vitamix container
- Add the remaining ingredients and blend until smooth.
- Serve in a bowl with a teaspoon of flax or coconut oil on top to aid in the absorption of the essential nutrients.
- Add chopped vegetables or wilted greens if desired.
This makes an entire 64-ounce container full. If you have a smaller blender, either do it in batches or cut the recipe in half. If you are sensitive to mushrooms, leave out the maitake and cordyceps.
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