HOME > > Mushroom and Arame Salad 

Mushroom and Arame Salad 

By Ritamarie Loscalzo


Some people are surprised to learn fiber is important to  immune system health, particularly beta-glucans, a non-starch polysaccharide found in the cell walls of mushrooms, seaweed, algae and certain whole grains.

My recipe for Mushroom and Arame Salad is a great way to get the type of beta-glucans that have been shown to be especially potent immunomodulators.  

For many it’s also a novel and delicious way to get fiber if you are avoiding gluten or concerned about gluten cross reactivity that can happen with certain whole grains.

Mushroom and Arame Salad 


2 handfuls dried maitake mushrooms, soaked and drained, root bud removed 

1 handful fresh maitake, if available 

1 handful baby bellas, chopped 

1 handful shiitake mushrooms, chopped 

1 handful enoki mushrooms 

1 handful trumpet mushrooms a little lemon juice pinch salt 

2 big handfuls arame, soaked and drained 

1/2 inch piece of turmeric 

1-inch piece of ginger sprinkle cayenne 

2 cloves garlic, if desired 

1/8 cup sesame oil

sprinkle salt

sprinkle kelp 

ground nettles and alfalfa, if desired  


1. Place mushrooms in bowl. 

2. Add lemon juice and salt and massage with hands gently. 

3. Add soaked and drained arame so that salad is about half mushrooms and half arame. 

4. Massage with hands. 

5. Microplane turmeric and ginger into bowl. 

6. Massage. 

7. Add more turmeric and/or ginger, if desired. 

8. Add cayenne and garlic. Mix with hands. 

9. Add sesame oil and stir. 

10.Sprinkle with salt, kelp, and nettles and alfalfa mix. 


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