This Week on Vibrant Health Solutions: July 14, 2011 11:30am PT, 12:30pm MT, 1:30pm CT, 2:30pm ET
There is a lot of power in drinking fresh pressed juice on a regular basis, but there is also a lot of confusion.
- How will juices affect my blood sugar?
- I’m diabetic, can I drink fresh juice?
- Are there certain fruits and vegetables that affect my blood sugar more than others?
and so on…
Join Dr. Ritamarie as she clears up the confusion between juicing and blood sugar.
Check out the upcoming 10-day Juice Cleanse presented by the Raw Divas. Click Here
Tame Your Midline! A 30 day plan to regulate blood sugar and restore insulin sensitivity Click Here
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Medical Disclaimer: The information on this website is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo, drritamarie.com, and the experts who have contributed. We encourage you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional.
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[…] 10-Day Juice Cleanse starting on August 1st. You’ll also find extra educational support here in our upcoming radio show on “How Juicing Affects Your Blood […]
A topic I would like to hear about on the radio show is how to maintain tooth health long-term on a raw food vegan diet.
[…] for a 10-Day Juice Cleanse starting on August 1st. You’ll also find extra educational support here in our radio show on “How Juicing Affects Your Blood […]
[…] How Juicing Affects Your Blood Sugar […]
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[…]How Juicing Affects Your Blood Sugar | Dr. Ritamarie's Vibrant Health Solutions Radio Show[…]…
How to lower blood sugar without medications is the beginning of a new way of living. Most diet programs available today could be adapted to keeping your blood sugar in control. However, you must plan your calorie intake each day to match what your caregiver has prescribed for you whether it is 1200 calories or even 2000 calories depending on your body size, gender and activity level. So to get started let’s discuss implementing your sugar control diet.Meal plan or meal planning is necessary to successfully control blood sugar while becoming healthy from what you eat. The first step is to plan your schedule for Meals. Optimal results are obtained by eating: Breakfast, a mid-morning snack, Lunch, an afternoon snack, Dinner and a “just before bedtime snack”. In other words 6 “meals” each day.^