One of my favorite summer-time refreshers, Ginger Lemonade is the perfect beverage to accompany a break from the summer heat.
Chocolate mint is rich in vitamin A and C and has trace amounts of manganese, an essential nutrient necessary for normal brain and nerve function. It also plays a role in fat and carbohydrate metabolism, calcium absorption, and blood sugar regulation.
Fresh stevia is a wonderful, healthy alternative to sugar and artificial sweeteners. It contains antioxidants like chlorogenic acid which helps reduce blood sugar levels and quercetin, an effective anti-inflammatory.
The added bonus is both of these plants can be easily grown in your herb garden or on your window sill. They also do well in containers that can be brought indoors for the winter in cold climates.
What a treat to have both available fresh year-round!
Ginger Lemonade Ingredients:
- A few stems chocolate mint leaves
- A few stems fresh stevia
- 1 cup water
- Ice cubes
- 1/8 cup lemon juice
- Small piece ginger
- Blend in Vitamix.
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