One of the best things you can do for your immune system supports your microbiome and this coconut yogurt recipe is one of the easiest and most delicious ways to do that.
It’s also economical given the expense of popular brands these days!
Blend the coconut meat first before adding the probiotic at the very end so you don’t over-process the microbes and reduce their effectiveness.
If you use a dehydrator, you might want to do a flavor test after 6-8 hours. Once it reaches the sourness you like, cover and refrigerate. It’s that easy!
You can use a probiotic of your choice or even what you are currently using. If in capsules, empty one or two for ½ teaspoon.
If you are new to making yogurt and not currently using a probiotic, you can find yogurt starters at most health food stores.
Frozen Young Thai coconut meat can be easily found online if you can’t find it locally.
Coconut Yogurt
- Coconut meat from young Thai coconut (approx. 1 pint)
- 1/2 teaspoon Healthforce Nutritionals Probiotic Powder (or kefir starter)
- flavors or blueberries (optional)
- Blend.
- Cover with cheesecloth and let sit for 24 hours or put in a dehydrator on low.
- Add blueberries or flavors.
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