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Am Energy Elixir that Give You Enery Boost Throughout the Day

By Ritamarie Loscalzo

Am Energy Elixir that Give You Enery Boost Throughout the Day

What Energy Elixir Best Fits Your Daily Energy Deficiency Needs?

Energy Elixirs (energy potions) are an excellent way to supplement with nutrients that may be hard to get from a typical diet.

They can serve as a morning meal replacement, accompany a meal that may need a nutritional boost, or work as a cooling or warming afternoon energizer, depending on your needs.

In general, I have three rules for energy elixirs:


1- Low and Slow

If the recipe contains ingredients that you haven’t tried before, only add one new one at a time in a small quantity. If it agrees with you, next time increase the amount. Low and slow is always a good policy when trying something new.


2- Substitute

If there are ingredients that don’t agree with you or you dislike, feel free to substitute with something that does work for you.  Just don’t replace a healthy ingredient with something that isn’t. Always have your best health in mind.


3- Be Cautious with a Juice Base

Water is always a safe bet for a base, but sometimes a nut milk will add desirable flavor and richness.  Only use a fruit or vegetable juice as a base if you know it doesn’t spike your blood sugar.

Although I call this recipe the AM Energy Elixir, you can enjoy its benefits any time of day!

Maca is an adaptogen known to support sex hormones and adrenals. If you don’t respond well to maca, apply Rule #2.

Eleuthero is also an adaptogen as well as an antioxidant.  I’ve included it for its soothing quality, but it can act as a stimulant for some. Apply Rule #1 if you haven’t tried it before.

Sunflower lecithin is an excellent emulsifier and provides phosphatidylcholine which supports brain health.

The hemp and pumpkin seeds are a great source of omega 3 fats.

The ideal summer elixir recipe is not only cooling, but also boosts energy.  Give this one a try! You won’t be disappointed.



  • 2 cups water 
  • 2 tablespoons maca 
  • 1 tablespoon eleuthero (starting with 1 teaspoon and increasing)
  •  2 tablespoons hemp seeds 
  • 1-3 tablespoon sprouted pumpkin seeds 
  • 1 teaspoon to 1 tablespoon sunflower lecithin 
  • 1/8 teaspoon luo han 
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 
  • Ice cubes 



  1. Add water, maca, eleuthero, hemp seeds, pumpkin seeds, sunflower lecithin, luo han, and vanilla extract to Vitamix and blend. 
  2. Add ice cubes and blend.


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