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Fatigue and Burnout: Strategies for Adrenal Exhaustion and Just Plain Tiredness

By Ritamarie Loscalzo


Are you suffering from adrenal burnout and fatigue? Low thyroid function? Chronic fatigue or Fibromyalgia?

Do you have as much energy as you’d like to have?

overcoming chronic fatigueWhat would you do if you had more energy? Think about what it would be like  to pop out of bed in the morning, bright, cheery and ready for the day.

As you go through your day, you feel energized by your food, your conversations, your work and your activities. When asked by a friend or family member to participate in a fun evening activity , you always say yes,
without fear of losing steam at the end of the day, and being too tired to to do much more than flop on the couch.

You participate in activities you love, eat healthy meals, exercise and are fully present for your relationships. You never hear yourself utter the words, “I’m too tired.”  Instead you say, “I feel so energized.”

Sound like a romantic fiction novel? This life is possible for you.

Fatigue, exhaustion, tiredness, weariness, low energy…whatever you choose to call it, it’s a real problem and it overcoming exhaustion and burnouthappens to real people like you. There are many causes. Some are obvious, others not so obvious. When I asked  at one of my workshops for a show of hands of people who felt that were fatigued, or had low energy, all but 1 or 2 people raised their hands.

Then I proceeded to give one of my favorite definitions of fatigue. The definition goes something like this:

The decreased capacity or complete inability of an organism, an organ, or a part to function normally because of excessive stimulation or prolonged exertion.

I talked about how you may feel like you have plenty of energy (caffeine and other stimulants can give you that illusion), yes parts of you are operating sub par. Maybe your neurotransmitters are sluggish and you have difficulties with focus, or your digestion and you’re constipated, or your hormones, and you have menstrual irregularities.

It takes all of your parts working in harmony to achieve vibrant energy.

At the end of the presentation, one of the women who’d not considered herself fatigued, thanked me and said that she didn’t associate the sluggishness in her digestive tract with fatigue. She just figured it was “normal” for her. My talk inspired her to look at ways she could energize her digestion and thus improve her overall experience of vibrant health and high energy.

There are many causes of fatigue. Here are five:

  1. Underfed and toxic mitochondria
  2. Hormone imbalances – especially thyroid, adrenal, insulin and leptin
  3. Digestive Inefficiencies
  4. Autoimmune Processes
  5. Serious diseases, like cancer, heart disease and diabetes

I’ll be exploring the topic of fatigue and its underlying causes and strategies for identifying and removing them on my Creating a Vibrant Life Blog Talk Radio Show on Wednesday, March 24 at 12:30 PM central time.

We’ll demystify adrenal fatigue, and distinguish it from thyroid fatigue. We’ll share strategies, stories and inspiration, to help move you from exhausted to energized.

Submit your questions for me pertaining to fatigue and regaining energy in the comment box below so we can address your concerns on the show.

The shows are all recorded and you can access the recording and download to iTunes by going back to the show link afterward. There are archives of past shows there as well.


blog talk radio

And watch for my article called Running on Empty in the spring edition of Purely Delicious Magazine, due out in April.


I look forward to connecting with you soon.

Love, Health and Joy to You,

Dr. Ritamarie

P.S.  Comment below:  What are you committing to for your health?  Today is day 22 of the 30 Day Sleep and Fun Challenge.  I am happy to report that I have gotten more than 6 hours of sleep for 3 days straight.  Over the weekend, I actually managed to get 9 hours!  And my exercise is consistent again – almost everyday!

How about you?  Commit below and make it happen.

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Medical Disclaimer: The information on this website is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo, drritamarie.com, and the experts who have contributed. We encourage you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional.

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  1. clare on March 23, 2010 at 10:31 pm

    Hi Dr Rita Marie,

    I am raw coming up on three years. The improvements number around 100; and I can’t remember them all. They were dramatic and brought me from crippling to less pain. Yet I am still exhausted and troubled by the goals I seek academically and otherwise. The latest aha is that I can’t tolerate fat; and my liver is the culprit. I had an avocado Sat. a week ago; and I was Hung Over on Sun. A salad in a restaurant gives me a headache. That could be MSG or God knows what. There was no dressing. So not being able to have a pink tonue when I did the Master Cleanse makes sense to me. The pink around the edge of my tongue only, is (in my mind’s eye) a direct result of the mercury, innoculations, drugs, surgeries (anethesias) of a lifetime, and possibly foods I couldn’t tolerate that I was forced to eat. The drugs have been numerous; and I am divorced around my health. I AM NOT WILLING to give up, so matter the twists and turns. I persist with raw even though my idiocyncrasies affect my thinking capabilities. I have had good days. So I know what to expect when I detox completely. Right now I am working with Dr. Bob who studied chiropractic and Tui Na; and I think I told you about him. I also did a Land Mark Foum and an Advanced Course, which is personal development that teaches tools for life with support of people who want everyone in the world to communicate optimally. I signed for for another step; and I am not ready. I just keep plowing forward, seemingly prematurely. I am anxious to start living to say the least. The family mishaps along the way are like a spider web. I persist alone or with people I meet along the way.

    If you have any ideas to embellish, I am very grateful for your presence in this life.



  2. mary on March 25, 2010 at 6:46 am

    Wow 22 days into the 30 day challenge! Well I am really celebrating my freedom from nut addiction and the digestive problems that go with it for me! I’m finding that Nuts aren’t really on my radar as foods to eat anymore! Exciting after such a struggle!

    Now the concious appreciative eating with thorough chewing- this is still a challenge. I have been so overwhelmingly busy lately and I have been letting it get in the way of my giving this commitment my full attention. I am just so willing to put off paying attention to my food so I can get something else done while eating. But tomorrow is a new day and so I again commit to:
    – No Nuts
    – eating one conscious appreciative meal that I chew thoroughly!

  3. mary on March 29, 2010 at 8:00 am

    Well I have been working and traveling a bit so I haven’t been checking in here but I have managed to stick to the no nuts commitment 100%. I am noticing that while I have not been 100% sucessful with my commitment to conscious eating and thorough chewing that it is more on my mind when I am eating I am starting to automatically tune in more. I like this!
    Same commitments for tomorrow_
    – no nuts
    – eat one meal conciously, appreiatively with thorough chewing!

  4. […] you’re stressed, your adrenals secrete the hormone cortisol goes up and DHEA goes down, leading to increased insulin production […]

  5. […] when you’re stressed, your adrenals secrete the hormone cortisol goes up and DHEA goes down, leading to increased insulin production […]

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