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Dr. Ritamarie’s Sleep Commitment Blog Day 5

By Ritamarie Loscalzo


I am back after a couple of days hiatus.  I got back into the rat race, stayed up until 4AM an was too embarrassed and tired to write.

I am back on track tonight.  It’s jusrt about midnight.

I did eat after 8 as I hadn’t eaten much all day as I went from all to call.  So after my B4 Be Gone group coaching call ended at 9, I ate some stuffed peppers and tomatoes.  It was a simple meal, quick and easy and very yummy and filling.

There’s an exact recipe in the B4 Be Gone recipe guide, but in general,  cut a red bell pepper in half.  Fill with baby arugula or other greens, sprouts, sauerkraut and cashew macadamia nut “cheese”,  It’s the same for tomatoes, only you slice them and layer the ingredients on top.  Sprinkle with kelp powder for a power meal.

I am off to bed now.  Changing this habit is the hardest one ever for me.  Giving up gluten and ice cream was easy by comparison.

In my article Crawl, Walk, Run Fly, I explain the progression.  I am willing to give myself the space to conquer this in baby steps.

Dr. Ritamarie’s Appreciations for Today

  1. I appreciate the amazing group that’s connecting for B4 Be Gone
  2. I appreciate my brain.  Yes, I     mean it.  It is quick to grasp things and figures things out.
  3. I appreciate my appreciation practice, which helped me stay cool calm and collected while my technology failed me during the B4 Be Gone Kickoff call.

My Sleep Commitments for Tomorrow

  1.  In  bed, lights out by midnight
  2.  No food after 8 PM

What Sleep Commitment are you ready to make?

Write your comments below



Love, Health and Joy,


Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo


Dr. Ritamarie


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1 Comment

  1. […] soft music, or to just center your mind on relaxing thoughts. And don’t forget to breathe deeply! Keeping a sleep journal is also helpful.  At bedtime, write down the things you are grateful for; make your bedtime ritual […]

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